Kill Bill Wiki


Mr. Ishii was the father of assassin O-Ren Ishii and husband of Mrs. Ishii who was killed by Yakuza boss Matsumoto's right hand man, Riki.

A member of the United States Army, he achieved the rank of Sergeant Major before his death and was a skilled hand-to-hand fighter. He is ethnically Japanese and married Mrs. Ishii who is ethnically Han Chinese, a consummation which would lead to the birth of their beautiful daughter O-Ren.

When O-Ren was only nine years old, Mr. Ishii and his wife were murdered by Matsumoto and his men, who managed to break into their home during the night. The Ishii Master Bedroom would be where he and his wife would spend the last moments of their lives.

Immediately following the break-in, Mrs. Ishii was quickly apprehended and held at knifepoint by one of Matsumoto's men, a tall red-haired man who wore glasses while O-Ren rushed to hide herself under her parent's bed; her father stood steadfast, ready to defend his home to his dying breath. Fighting was the only means by which he had a chance at surviving. With a level of explosive power, bone-crushing lethality, and violently-fast, rage-induced speed that could only be wielded by a man faced with the high likelihood of losing his family, the Sergeant Major managed to swiftly disarm and deliver brutal, permanent, and life altering injuries (severely broken face; horribly mangled arm) to two knife wielding attackers, respectively, while also killing the two men in the process before becoming immobilized by a fatal chest wound inflicted by Riki's katana with Mrs. Ishii being stunned and as Riki removed the katana, Mr. Ishii bled out before slumping to the floor just a few inches away from where his young daughter was hiding.

Before receiving Riki's coup de grace, he whispered something unintelligible to O-Ren, who was hiding under her parents' bed before Riki slammed the katana into Mr. Ishii's head, killing him.

After witnessing her father's murder, O-Ren nearly let out a whimper but restrained herself, knowing that if she did so, she would be captured and presumably killed while Riki looked down at O-Ren and smirked, the move causing O-Ren to begin shaking with fury while Matsumoto began laughing, having found the whole incident amusing before a coughing fit abruptly stopped it as Riki used a cloth to get rid of all the traces of Mr. Ishii's blood on the katana.

Seconds later, Matsumoto dragged Mrs. Ishii away from where she had been held hostage and threw her onto the bed where O-Ren lay hidden underneath. Riki then handed his boss the katana which Matsumoto then used to kill Mrs. Ishii who had started screaming upon realizing she was about to die with the katana missing O-Ren's right ear by a few metres while the main katana presumably pierced Mrs. Ishii's heart and chest, killing her and later causing her blood to fall onto O-Ren's face.

After Matsumoto and his men had left the house, Riki used a combination of vodka along with Matsumoto's cigar to set the house on fire to cover up the group's involvement while presumably hoping O-Ren would die too. However, despite her emotional state, O-Ren noticed what was going on and managed to get to safety although she swore revenge against Matsumoto.

Two years later, O-Ren who was eleven years and had trained to become an assassin, gained access to Matsumoto's room, disguised as a schoolgirl and then killed him, resulting in Mr. Ishii and his wife being avenged.
